About Pre-school De Zeester

Pre-school De Zeester is located in Het Noorderlicht, location Ds. R.P.A. Rutgersschool. This school is part of the Prohles Foundation.

The Pre-school is especially for children ages 2 to 4. Here toddlers can play, learn and explore with peers. The toddlers are offered activities in different themes appropriate to their age. This way they are well prepared for elementary school.

De Zeester is open on all weekday mornings from 8:15 am to 12:15 pm.

You will find De Zeester 's classroom on the school playground at the back of the school. The Pre-school uses the schoolyard, where the children can play outside. There is close cooperation with the Rutgers School, so toddlers are prepared for elementary school in a playful way.

For questions, please contact the Customer Service Department.

Other information

Site Manager

Daphne de Vreugd

E. daphne@kokkinderopvang.nl

T. 0646056892


Pre-school De Zeester
Het Noorderlicht, location Ds. R.P.A. Rutgersschool
Jan Tooropstraat 30a
2225 XV Katwijk

LRK number: 332009786

Location contact information

Tel. 06 - 44 64 91 89
E-mail: pszdezeester@kokkinderopvang.nl

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