Something for everyone
Challenging activity program
At our After school care locations, we offer children fun and challenging activities every day. In doing so, we take the children's ages and interests into account. Child participation plays a major role in determining the activities and completing the activity programs.
There is a lot of playing outside, crafting and reading. We also organize regular outings, for example to the forest, a museum, the playground or the beach. Various workshops are also given, giving the children the opportunity to discover and develop their own talents.
We work with different themes using the activity database of DoenKids. According to the theme of the moment, we offer the children different activities in the categories Sports & Games, Music & Dance, Art & Culture and Nature. Besides the fact that we want the children to have a fun day or afternoon, the activities we offer also have a purpose. Namely, the activities stimulate your child's development. This may involve personal development (physical, motor or cognitive), social and emotional development and/or the development of norms and values.
Collaborating schools
We have several After school care locations in Katwijk, Rijnsburg, Valkenburg and Noordwijk. An after school care location is always linked to one or a number of schools. Special education is the only exception.
- After school care Brugghenschool: Mr. J.J.L. v.d. Brugghenschool (ages 4 to 7).
- After school care De Duintoppers: IKC De Duinroos, Sjaloomschool and the Rev. G. Voetiusschool.
- After school care IKC Katwijk: Dalton School Katwijk, De Windvang and the Leidse Buitenschool.
- After school care De Kleine Horizon: De Horizon and the Willem van Veenschool.
- After school care De Quickers: Christelijke Opleidingsschool, Farèlschool and the Oranjeschool.
- After school care De Vrije Vogels: Mr. J.J.L. v.d. Brugghenschool (7+), Rehobothschool, the Marnixschool and the Prins Willem-Alexanderschool.
- After school care De Zonnewijzer: Het Noorderlicht, location Gaspard de Colignyschool and location Ds. R.P.A. Rutgersschool and the Groen van Prinstererschool.
- After school care Orange Nassau: Oranje Nassauschool and the Julianaschool.
- After school care Villa Kakelbont: De Wegwijzer, the Emmaschool, the Wilhelminaschool, De Schakel and De Vlieger.
- After school care Buitengewoon: De Dubbelburg and De Burcht.
- After school care Rakkers: De Dubbelburg and De Burcht.
- SportsAfter school care Valken : De Dubbelburg and De Burcht.
- After school care Wereldwijs: Wereldwijs. Other schools by arrangement.

Our care packages
We offer After School Care in different care packages:
- After school care including school vacations: 52 weeks of care per year.
- After school care school weeks only: 40 weeks of care per year.
- After school care School vacations only: 12 weeks of care per year.
- Before-school care (VSO): starting from 7:30 a.m.
It is not permitted by contract to take different care days during school weeks than during vacation weeks. If you need another day of care, you may request it as an extra day if you wish.
The school your child attends determines the After school care location.
During school weeks, the pedagogical staff picks up the children after school at the various schools. Older children can also come independently to the After school care-location by arrangement.
During vacation weeks, the After school care is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm. During school vacations, we merge some After school care-locations. Therefore, vacation care may also take place at a different location than where your child is enrolled.
At pre-school care, the pedagogical staff member brings your child to school. This service is not available at all locations.
For more information, please contact our Customer Service Department.
Extra opening during school closing days or different school vacations
Sometimes it happens that your child's school closes (earlier), for example because of mandatory study days for teachers or the afternoon prior to a school vacation. It is also possible that your school has different days off from the national school vacations. We offer you the option of purchasing extra After School Care for these days. A After school care location opens with a minimum of 4 children and sufficient staff. In our planning, we take into account in advance days on which we know that a school closes its doors (earlier). You can request extra childcare through the Parent Portal. We always charge the costs for this extra care afterwards.
Hot meals
At all of our After school care locations, we offer you the option of purchasing a hot meal for your child. More information on hot meals can be found here.