About After school care De Duintoppers
After school care de Duintoppers is located in Integraal Kindcentrum (IKC) De Duinroos in Katwijk. In IKC De Duinroos Childcare Katwijk and elementary school De Duinroos work closely together; care and education under one roof with an eye for the continuous development line for children aged 2 to 12. At this location our Pre-school De Duinster established.
After school care De Duintoppers provides after-school care for children ages 4 to 12. This location offers many opportunities to offer both indoor and outdoor activities. For example, we can make use of the two challenging school playgrounds, the Sandy playground and the indoor gymnasium.
Children from the school below are basically placed at this After School Care .
- IKC De Duinroos
- Sjaloomschool
- Rev. G. Voetiusschool
For questions, please contact the Customer Service Department.
Other information
After school care de Duintoppers
IKC De Duinroos
Prinses Irenelaan 49
2224 XA Katwijk
LRK number: 609114372
Tel. 06-26204668
E: duintoppers@kokkinderopvang.nl