About After school care De Kleine Horizon

After school care de Kleine Horizon is located at RKBS de Horizon in Katwijk, which falls under Sophia schools.

Here we offer pre-school, middle school and after-school care for children aged 4 to 12. At After school care we work with three groups, divided by age. In the same school is our Pre-school Peuterwereld.

The location offers opportunities to get creative in the three private rooms, play sports in the central gymnasium and play in the adventurous green Buitelbos or the challenging schoolyard!

Children from the schools listed below are placed at this After School Care :

  • De Horizon
  • Willem van Veenschool

For questions, please contact the Customer Service Department.

Other information


After school care de Kleine Horizon
RKBS de Horizon
Mgr. Bekkersstraat 1b
2223 AP Katwijk

LRK number: 848462841

Location contact information

Tel. 06-15432293
E: horizon@kokkinderopvang.nl


Cluster Managers

Site manager: Sabien van Duijn
E: sabien@kokkinderopvang.nl
T: 06 - 154 260 86