About Pre-school Klein Duimpje

Pre-school Klein Duimpje is located at Marnixschool in Katwijk and consists of two groups for toddlers ages 2 to 4 (Klein Duinpje and Duimelot).

The location, with its fun, newly refurbished playground and childcare-proof furnished rooms, combined with the small groups with plenty of attention to the individual child, makes Klein Duimpje the ideal Pre-school with lots of play and development opportunities.

The Pre-school is especially for children ages 2 to 4. Here toddlers can play, learn and explore with peers. The toddlers are offered activities in different themes appropriate to their age. This way they are well prepared for elementary school.

Pre-school Klein Duimpje is open all weekday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

In the same school is our After School Care location de Vrije Vogels.

For questions, please contact the Customer Service Department.

Other information


Pre-school Klein Duimpje
The Marnixschool
Schimmelpenninckstraat 2
2221 EP Katwijk

LRK number: 719012594

Location contact information

Klein Duimpje
Tel: 06 - 371 784 65
E: pszkleinduimpje@kokkinderopvang.nl
Contact location: Marjan van den Oever - Meijvogel

Tel: 06 - 494 904 49
E: duimelot@kokkinderopvang.nl
Contact location: Tessa van der Plas

Cluster Managers

Site manager: Lisanne Franke
E: lisanne@kokkinderopvang.nl
T: 06 - 151 878 20

GGD Inspection Reports

GGD Report POV Klein Duimpje