About Pre-school Olleke Bolleke

Pre-school Olleke Bolleke is located in the Willem van Veenschool. This school is part of the Prohles Foundation and is located in Katwijk a/d Rijn.

The Pre-school is especially for children ages 2 to 4. Here toddlers can play, learn and explore with peers. The toddlers are offered activities in different themes appropriate to their age. This way they are well prepared for elementary school.

You will find Olleke Bolleke's classroom right next to the front door of the school. The Pre-school has its own playground in the front yard of the school, where the children can enjoy playing outside.

Pre-school Olleke Bolleke is open all mornings from 8:15 am to 12:15 pm.

For questions, please contact the Customer Service Department.

Other information

Site Manager

Sabien van Duijn

E. sabien@kokkinderopvang.nl

T. 0615426086


Pre-school Olleke Bolleke
Willem van Veenschool
Huetingstraat 17
2223 BM Katwijk

LRK number: 213419117

Location contact information

Tel. 06 - 33 73 21 07
E: pszollekebolleke@kokkinderopvang.nl

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